A note from Pastor Shawn as we resume worship in-person Sunday, June 7
Dear Valley View Family,
Our outdoor worship service will begin this Sunday at 10 AM rather than 9:30 AM as was stated on the live stream. We encourage you to arrive by 9:50 AM to setup your chairs for our outdoor worship around the pavilion. Our worship service will be approximately an hour in length, and we will celebrate communion together this Sunday.
Bulletins with song lyrics and Scripture readings will be distributed as you arrive. Remember 3VC, 3-BYOC – bring your own chair, coffee, and communion. (Safely prepared and packaged communion bread and cups will also be available for all.)
The weather report currently anticipates a beautiful day with a morning low around 60 degrees and a high of 68 degrees for the day. Please dress as you would be most comfortable for our outdoor setting. Dressing in layers is advisable for personal comfort as the morning warms up. The Fellowship Hall will also be open to watch the live stream should you need or prefer a warmer setting during the service. Just bring your chair in with you!
In order to maintain proper social distance, bathrooms will be limited to two people at a time. Please use the side entrance of the church. The main entrance will be available for handicap access. Please be respectful of others by restricting usage unless it is absolutely necessary. Hand sanitizer will be available by the bathrooms.
Children should remain with their parents at all times. During the early phases of re-opening there will be no child care nor children's church.
As a society, we are encouraged to wear a mask or face-covering in public settings. We understand that you may be unable to wear face coverings, including myself as I lead us in our worship. Your privacy will be honored and respected on this issue. We do ask that all would maintain proper social distancing as we fellowship together. Physical contact should be avoided. We would ask that you refrain from hugs and handshakes, as difficult as that may be.
We ask you to self-screen prior to coming. A "self-screen" is simply answering the following questions
Do you have any of the following symptoms: Fever, New or Worsening Cough, Sore Throat, Shortness of Breath, Loss of Smell or Taste?
In the past 14 days have you had contact with an individual diagnosed with Covid-19? If you have answered "yes" to either question, please remain at home and watch the live stream until you can answer "no" to the questions.
We would also urge those who are in any way compromised in their immune systems to carefully consider whether they should attend. We will continue to live stream our services, especially for those who are concerned because of health issues.
As we begin to worship in-person, you may continue to give online, mail in your offering, or place your offering in the offering box as you enter or exit. We will not pass offering plates for the offering.
If you have any questions about these temporary safety measures, I'd love to talk with you. This may appear more complicated than it really is, yet by this point, most people are accustomed to doing very similar things when going to the grocery store and other public spaces. Cooperating with these guidelines can really demonstrate our love and care for the well-being of each other. Here's a good article on that point. Please don't let these things dampen your spirit for worshiping the Lord who saved us and brought us together as a family!
This Sunday we will begin a new sermon series on Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew 5-7. May we trust and follow our King together!
With faith, hope, and love,
Pastor Shawn Vitu